I call the large barn at the side of our house my exclusive workspace. I also use a covered outdoor pergola in the right weather for painting and hand work, and inevitably have part finished projects and experiments strewn in piles throughout the living room for in the evenings. Can't live without... There are quite a list of tools which would be very hard to do without including the usual sewing, painting and printing requisites. I would also be lost without my iron, my little gas burner, soldering iron and heat gun. I wouldn’t want to be without my kettle and coffee making corner, not only for the caffeine intake, but if I had to leave the studio to make drinks it would really interrupt the flow, or the possibility of flow. Having space including benches, wall space and shelves to house projects at different stages is important and a great luxury. Finally, as my partner works from home most of the time these days, having a door to shut is also a key element! Let us know what you think of Alysn's Studio Space by leaving a comment below
Alysn's Fibre Arts workshop details here
Studio spacesOver the next few months there will be an email come into your box on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings. ARCHIVE