I live outside of Richmond, Virginia, USA. My studio was built by my son in my back yard. I can work in my pyjamas when it snows! It is a dream come true with the space and light. North facing windows and high walls enable large paintings and hung fibre work. I am blessed to have this space. Can't live without... Air and space Good light High walls Paint and cloth All Classical Portland My imagination
June Fiford
30/3/2022 10:08:14 am
A beautiful studio and I think you are blessed also to have a son capable of building it for you. Enjoy the space.
carol meese
30/3/2022 12:14:43 pm
Thank you June. My son Mark is most talented. I believe he would be an artist if he didn’t have a wife and three kids to support. So has his own construction company
30/3/2022 04:57:40 pm
Great Space. I really like your artwork. Markmaking. Is it ink or acrylic on the door. Thanks for sharing your work, art and story.
carol meese
31/3/2022 08:22:59 am
Thank you Junanne. The work on the doors is Sumi ink on rice paper. I love Sumi! Such strong statements. I use it in my big paintings
Nancy Batenburg
31/3/2022 06:08:20 am
Yup. Colour me officially envious. Love the space, and light, and the and exactly as you said, the chance to work in your pyjamas if that's what you want to do. Thanks for sharing.
carol meese
31/3/2022 08:25:05 am
Thank you Nancy. Yes having any kind of home studio is marvelous but there is isolation so it’s great to have feedback from people like you
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