I live in Blackheath NSW Australia My space is the third bedroom at home with a tree outside the window. Above the tables along a wall are my works and a cupboard holds threads, fabrics, notebooks and other artists’ works. A bookcase holding embroidery books and folders of my teaching notes and samples sits outside the door. Can't live without.. My boxes of gold threads; Collection of fabrics and books and mixed threads; Notebooks full of inspiration; My special goldwork table and tools CD player for music; My cat; June's social media link
Nancy Batenburg
2/3/2022 12:14:52 pm
It's amazing to me to see how we all fill and use our spaces. I too have a third bedroom but yours looks far more organised than mine. I will swear my cat Abbie was a reincarnated quilter or mixed media artist. Not only would she bat the fabrics or threads she didn't like off my work tables to the ground, she'd then jump down to bat them under tables where she could not see them. Feisty. Determined. Opinionated. She has now passed from old age but she did like her fabric and threads. Thanks for sharing your space and your 'loves' as you work.
June Fifird
2/3/2022 08:00:56 pm
Thank you Nancy. My cat is 15 and usually sleeps on the end of the small bed in my studio when I'm working but sneaks under the pillows if I leave the room. Thank goodness she doesn't venture to the table as I can imagine the mess she would make of the gold threads!! Happy stitching.
Fran Batrouney
31/3/2022 08:44:23 am
Hi June, very slack of me not to have contacted you before. Glad to peek at your studio, how are you? So glad you are still stitching. I look at the piece I bought at the 10 x 10 of yours and love it. I am off to Fibre Arts again in September, are you coming? I am doing a book making w/shop with Sue Woods. Have moved to scrolls and books, filling them with stitching and "things" . love Fran xx
Annette Anderson
20/9/2022 04:37:52 pm
We met when I was in your Goldwork class at Wrapt in Rocky (Rockhampton) all those years ago. I have branched out into lots of different styles on embroidery, with great enjoyment. Ballarrat is a bit far from North Queensland, so have very little chance of meeting up again. Thank you for setting a strong flame of enthusiasm which still burns brightly.
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